Please visit my website named
Catholicism is Doctrinally Wrong.
Catholicism: Crisis of Faith Dvd in Seven Languages
Chick Publications
Chick website has awesome documentary called 'Catholicism: Crisis of Faith'. This documentary explains doctrinal differences and things that the Church of Rome doesn’t want us to know. This documentary video is good to show to Catholics or it is good to show to those who witness to them. Please put the word catholic in the search engine.
Chick Publications
Chick Publications has lots of tracts or booklets and articles for Catholics. Please put the word catholic in the search engine.
Christian Answers
This site gives ery simple-to-understand information about the doctrinal and practical differences between Catholics and Protestants. They make a lot of references to the Catechism.
CWRC (Christian Witness to Roman Catholicism)
CWRC is dedicated to a Christian witness to those involved in the Roman Catholic religion while maintaining a firm witness to the errors of Rome. To this end, CWRC has written, debated, and produced theological information designed to help Christians witness to Catholics and better understand the intricacies of Romish theology. Search their website for free articles or visit their online store for their must-read books.
Eternal Productions
Great books and audio are available for download at Eternal Productions website. Theses resources can be used by conservative Christian ministries regarding Catholicism, especially its re-occurrence today and the present dangers of Catholicism. Eternal Productions also has resources about other religions and cults. This is a good site for both Catholics and non-Catholics, and for ministries, to get books, videos, and audio to download.
Ex-Catholics for Christ
This website contains a vast amount of information for Catholics, as well as facts about other religions. It also contains the testimonies of the website authors. This website is recommended for ex-Catholics and for those who want to reach out to Catholics. For those actively sharing to Catholics, please refer to the Good News For Catholics (see website below).
Jacki's Testimony of Faith
Jacki's Testimony of Faith is about a person's conversion from Roman Catholic to Biblical Christianity. This is possibly the best resource that you can give to a catholic to read, if they don’t want to listen. Jacki is now a born-again Christian and is enjoying the faith and journey of being a Christian.
Joy of Witnessing to Catholics, The - Testimony
This is a testimony of a missionary team to Mexico that shared the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mike Gendron was asked to teach a local church about witnessing to Catholics, and was later asked to join them on a mission trip. It gives a unique perspective on sharing the gospel to Catholics.
Let us Reason
This site has a collection of websites about Catholic apologetics. This site is good for Christians and Catholics alike.
Mission to Catholics International
Mission to Catholics is a fundamental/evangelical ministry reaching out to Roman Catholics with the Biblical message of salvation. The website contains articles, online tracts for Catholics, and links to other websites with similar agenda.
Mission to Catholics - Spanish site
This is the Spanish site of Missions to Catholics International, a fundamental/evangelical ministry reaching out to Roman Catholics with the Biblical message of salvation. The website contains articles, online tracts for Catholics, and links to other websites with similar agenda.
Proclaiming the Gospel
This site has information and resources about Catholicism. Links to resources for sale and for free download. There is also a calendar of conferences on this topic. Proclaiming the Gospel also produces a newsletter. There are also visual and audio resources available on the site, and a free e-book. Mike Gendron has written a lot of the apologetical information on the site. This is a great resource for ministries or people involved in sharing to Catholics
Reaching Catholics for Christ
A website facilitating coordination of churches and ministries who are sharing the gospel to Catholics, and also a support group for former Catholics. Especially good for ministries who help Catholics and who want to network with others.
The Berean Call
Please put the word Catholic or catholicism in the search engine.
The John Ankerberg Show
This site is one of the best for giving simple "do/don't" pointers on witnessing to Catholics: such as (a few examples) Establish Authority for Truth, Define Terms Biblically, and Using the Word of God. This site is good for individuals or groups trying to share to Catholics. John Ankerberg has dvds, mpeg4 video downloads, pdf downloads and books to order about Catholicism. Please put the word catholic or catholicism in the search engine at these websites.