World Christian Resource Directory


Flash sites

The Kristo

I've known about The Kristo for quite some time, and the site, which presents the gospel using Flash, has been recognized by many other groups. Released three years ago, The Kristo "quickly moved to 75,000 user sessions per month, and was seeing 2 to 3 responses a week," explains the site developer, Creative Form Interactive . "Many of these contacts have resulted in salvations, and directing them to a local church in their area."

The Kristo is designed to reach teens through college age, and is having tremendous results. It's a joint effort of Creative Form and the Southern Baptist Convention's North American Mission Board .

Kids 4 Truth

Calling All Kids: Visit this site for fun and learning.
Kids 4 Truth, developed by a group of Christian children's leaders, presents the Gospel to kids through interactive, multimedia experiences. View "Creation...A Multimedia Blast," a flash presentation of Creation from the Book of Genesis. Hear Missionary Gary tell true stories from the mission field. Find coloring pages and help in answering questions about the Bible. Access a long list of suggested activities parents and kids can do together. There's a place for kids to ask questions and receive answers; also to post a prayer request and pray for others around the world. Watch for a coming "Kids 4 Truth" curriculum and bookmark this Web site as an online excellent resource for your children's ministry and for your family! Kids 4 Truth:

Tribal Generation: Reaching Digital Culture

A slick new Web site now under development is Tribal Generation. This Flash site has tremendous outreach potential. Once it is fully up and running, the link to TG's "3D Space" will connect users to Net evangelism and discipleship resources. The vision of TG creator Mike Breen, rector of St. Thomas Church in Sheffield, UK, is "to reach the emerging culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ." Sounds like we share his vision.

Totally True

And Youth for Christ have launched CAFE REALITY. Check for instance YFC's booklet for new believers TOTALLY TRUE - this Flash presentation will soon include the whole booklet.

Hopenet - Exciting Youth Outreach

The folks at (a ministry of Book of Hope International) have launched a great youth outreach resource. It uses chat, music, MP3, and stories. The site is already available in Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian. French, Japanese and Chinese are options for later in the year. They have a global vision!

One important innovation is that wish to partner with other ministries and encourage them to incorporate material within their own sites.

If you wish to use tools in this way, contact them at:

Another site using Flash: media4God site

Site Review: Gloriazine

Gloriazine is a great new evangelistic site using 'Flash'. It's aimed at young people 13-30.

Tara Young shares the story:

"It all began with a vision. Since childhood the creators of Triumphant Lion Productions, Tara Young and Laura Harris, have held in their hearts the desire to touch young people with the love of Christ through multi-media entertainment venues. Through TL Productions and Gloriazine, the Lord has begun to make their dream a reality.

Health issues have kept me from getting a full time career job, but I know it was all part of God's larger plan. My father encouraged my brother and I to try and develop some type of creative idea and we came up with an ezine. Gloriazine is an integral part of Triumphant Lion Productions. Its goal is to impact the lives of young people between the ages of 13 and 30 with the reality of salvation without preaching down to them or seeming 'corny'. As young people ourselves, we clearly recognize that there are few, if any, television shows, motion picture films or Internet sites aimed at youth which are both 'cool' in their eyes; and wholesome in God's eyes. Instead, Generation X-ers are bombarded with illicit sex, violence, and lies, whether they want it or not. Gloriazine is a step to change that.

Gloriazine is an online magazine, also known as an E-zine. The word 'zine' itself refers to underground magazines usually written by young people with alternative views. 'Gloria' is used the same way many popular GenX magazines use single names, such as 'Jane', yet also serves the dual purpose of referring to the glory of God.

Gloriazine is made up of six sections: Fashion, Life, Reviews, Health, Glory and Profiles. All the articles offer up-to-date, as well as, alternative ways of looking at the issues which concern the youth of the New Millennium. Some of the articles, such as those in the Fashion section, have no religious overtones whatsoever. Others gradually lead the reader to consider godly ways and answers. While still others, like those in the Glory section, are overtly Christian. In this way readers can pick and choose what they want, and even be open to things they would normally refuse.

As far as the design for Gloriazine, we want to reach young people who are hip to cool stuff on the net and already have the tendency to think Christians are corny and boring. So, after looking at many different ultra-hip 'Flash' sites, we came up with this site. I saw there was nothing quite like it out there already.

One drawback has been the time it takes to do everything. I had planned to have it all done months ago, but it just doesn't work that way! Other than that its been a wonderful experience. We've gotten great feedback from people who the site has helped spiritually, which makes all the work worth it.

The Internet is the communication road of the future. It can reach millions of people around the world simultaneously and cross over borders within seconds. This makes it the perfect tool for evangelism. It is also one of the most popular mediums among young people.

We plan on updating the Fashion section quarterly, while we add new articles to the other sections gradually throughout the year. Our readers can sign up on our mailing list to be notified of new issues. In the near future, as readership grows, we plan to have a Q and A section, as well as a Letters to the Editors section. Our long-term goal for Gloriazine is to have video clips, an interactive music forum, foreign language sections, and a possible product line.

We believe that Gloriazine will be used globally to reach young people for Christ in new and innovative ways. We are committed to the vision that God has given us. We hope that you will be able to catch the vision, as well. Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated as we now embark on the marketing phase of Gloriazine."

Editor's note: It is worth noting that Tara's experience of a major health problem (which she shares on the site) enabled her to produce this ezine. We so often hear of people finding very significant ministries on the Web because they have been unable to work through illness. So do take time to give Tara feedback and encouragement. She can be contacted at:

Maybe it would be an appropriate link for your site?



American Bible Society (ABS) is using the latest Web technology to minister to online visitors with Project Constant Hope, a new series of Flash movies. The movies, available in both English and Spanish, contain Scripture verses and images relevant to anyone struggling to cope with the events of 9/11 and other tragedies of life. Visitors can also submit prayer requests to a team of ABS prayer volunteers. ABS encourages church Web sites to link to the Flash movies to supplement their online ministries. Be sure to check out this excellent online ministry resource. Project Constant Hope:

Antichrist Presentation

I thought maybe you would like to see this FLASH animation. It deals with Antichrist. The prophecies are so BLUNT and the proof is so POSITIVE it will no doubt shock you! I pray you are blessed.

Project Constant Hope


Looking for some online inspiration? Try a "Scripturelet" (Bible-based Flash Scriptures) from Project Constant Hope--one of many different Flash presentations in both English and Spanish that talk about issues that trouble people today while pointing viewers to answers in Christ. In addition to viewing the Flash presentations, viewers can make prayer requests and can email the presentation locations to friends in need of encouragement. Stop by and see the various online ministries underway at Project Constant Hope, a great inspirational ministry sponsored by the American Bible Society.

Project Constant Hope:

The Lord's Prayer


Millions of visitors have viewed "The Lord's Prayer," a flash movie at the Web site, since its first being introduced on the Web in mid-November 2001. This movie, also available in Spanish, is one of the popular flash movies at the Web site--others include "Interview with Jesus," "Psalm 23," and "God Is Light." These excellent outreach tools receive positive response from people not usually inclined to visit "religious" sites. Surf over to this creative Web site to enjoy its flash movies, and then invite your non-Christian friends to do the same! Read a daily devotional, order a CD with five flash movies and find free DaySpring ecards also available at the site.

The Lord's Prayer:
Spanish version:

Art Mill Web


Well-done online Flash presentations can be a fun way to get a dose of inspiration, or to reach out to others with a bit of encouragement. The Art Mill Web site has several highly creative Flash presentations on a variety of Biblical topics--in particular, their "Creation" piece uses an excellent combination of imagery, music and Scripture to walk viewers through Genesis' Creation week. Visit the Art Mill to see how Web artists are inspiring visitors with Scripture-based presentations.

The Web Mill's Flash presentations:


An excellent animated presentation of who Jesus is and what He freely offers you.

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