If you're looking to achieve true intimacy in your relationships,, home of the Smalley Relationship Center, has plenty of
resources to point you in the right direction. Find the guidance you are
looking for in the Web site's many resources--articles, audio and video
online courses; online relationship testing--a personality test, divorce
predictor test and a parenting styles test; online forums; conferences for
pastors, couples, families, small groups and much more. The Smalley
Relationship Center is committed to its mission "to rebuild, restore and
renew marriages that have been devastated for generations... to accomplish
this by reducing divorce and raising marital satisfaction for every
couple!" Visit Smalley Online and find encouragement and blessing.
True Love Waits, sponsored by LifeWay: Biblical Solutions for Life, is a
massive international campaign that challenges teenagers and college
students to remain sexually abstinent until marriage. "True Love Waits
Goes Home," the 2003-04 theme, encourages families to be committed to
living pure lives together. Resources include Bible study, commitment
cards for students and parents, a planning manual and more. Find out about
a ring ceremony and a wedding ceremony that includes TLW. Teens can read
articles, get advice and find fun to help them keep focused on their
commitment. Parents and youth leaders will find plenty of information and
resources--Bible studies and other tools for encouraging teens and young
people to remain sexually pure until marriage.
True Love Waits:
The Covenant Marriage Movement wants Christian marriages restored to the "covenant relationship" that God intended. Their goal? "To have 50,000 congregations across our nation and around the world corporately affirming marriage as a covenant relationship during their morning worship hour(s)." Obtain a congregational kit with posters, bulletin inserts, commitment cards, sermon helps, Bible study material and more. Find ordering information online. Covenant Marriage Movement encourages churches of all denominations to participate in this celebration of marriage--as God intended it! Note that personal visitors to the Web site may record information online to obtain a personal commitment certificate. The project is also available for Spanish-speaking persons.
Covenant Marriage Movement:
Looking for a daily devotion you and your spouse can enjoy together? FamilyLife Ministries presents "Moments Together for Couples," a daily online devotional for married couples. Strengthen your marriage daily with life application devotionals and prayer suggestions. A 52-week prayer devotional from "The Nehemiah Project" is also available online, for rebuilding the wall in the family.
Moments Together for Couples:
One of the best and largest Christian resource web sites has Kevin Leman's and others resources.
LifeBranch Institute International (LBII), a alliance member, is "dedicated to making a Christian marriage Christ-like." LBII seeks to "equip couples for effective daily living by applying God's Word." Services include mentoring groups, leadership development, seminars and conferences. "Marriage Builders" offers a premarital quiz, tips on protecting your marriage and e-cards to send a spouse. Enjoy also "Marriage Moments," a devotional for married couples. LBII provides a great assortment of marriage enrichment resources--find personalized marriage renewal vows, books, music tapes and online articles to strengthen and support the Christian marriage.
This site has a large list of Christian videos regarding the family.
This is an excellent ministry with videos on a successful marriage.
Bruce Wilkinson's excellent teaching ministry
(A Biblical Portrait of Marriage)
(When Couples Become One)
(When A Husband Loves)
(In Laws or Out Laws)
many other videos
RBC Love Resources:
RBC Marriage Resources:
IVCF articles:
LPEA articles:
Love Is Meeting Each Other's Needs:
Two Shall Become One:
The Smalley Relationship Center's mission is to rebuild, restore and renew marriages that have been devastated for generations. We want to accomplish this by reducing divorce and raising marital satisfaction for every couple!
John Trent is President of Encouraging Words, a ministry committed to strengthening marriage and family relationships worldwide. John teaches conferences on across the country. In addition to speaking, he has authored and co-authored more than a dozen award winning and best-selling books:
The Blessing (Gold
Medallion winner for excellence in Christian publishing)
The Gift of Honor
(Gold Medallion finalist)
The Language of Love (Angel Award winner as the
top family life book of 1989 and a Gold Medallion finalist)
Love is a
Decision (Gold Medallion finalist)
The Two Sides of Love (Gold Medallion
Home Remedies (Gold Medallion finalist)
The Hidden Value of a Man
(Gold Medallion finalist)
Leaving The Lights On
LifeMapping (Gold Medallion
Seeking Solid Ground
Love for All Seasons
(Gold Medallion
Go the Distance
(Gold Medallion Finalist)
The Making of a Godly
Man Workbook
Choosing to Live the Blessing.
In 2001 alone, Dr. Trent had three books that were Gold Medallion Finalists: Parents Guide to the Spiritual Development of Children, Be There! and Bedtime Blessings. John has also written several books for children. Two to help children recognize how valuable they are called, The Treasure Tree (Gold Medallion winner), and it's sequel, The Two Trails. He has also written a book to help with childhood fears, called, There's a Duck in My Closet! And "I'd Choose You!" (Gold Medallion Finalist) which puts the concept of the "blessing" in childhood language. There's Spider Sisters, based on the special bond between his two daughters, The Black and White Rainbow (Gold Medallion Finalist) about forgiveness, Bedtime Blessings and Bedtime Blessings Vol. 2.
World Christian Resource Directory
World Christian Resource Directory
Last updated: May 14, 2003.