World Christian Resource Directory - Helping you reach your world for Jesus


Miltary Outreach to the Unreached

Operation Reveille
Bruce Sidebotham

It provides resources for U.S. military to be involved in cross-cultural ministry.

Helping military Christians engage unreached people groups by projecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the poorest, least evangelized and least stable areas of the world (like the 10/40 Window).


Over two billion people cannot choose to accept or reject Jesus Christ because they are isolated from him by language and culture. Curiously, the majority of these people live in places where US interests are most threatened.

Therefore, military Christians can uniquely augment their professional peacekeeping role with a spiritual peacemaking role. They can support the Great Commission as God is orchestrating it among present and potential allies and enemies.


Operation Reveille is an interagency ministry of Mission to Unreached Peoples.

Operation Reveille mobilizes military Christians to seize their unique opportunity to understand and support God's work in overseas regions where they are professionally committed.


Operation Reveille does . . .

* Training
* Publishing
* and Consulting

Service and Support

Products and services of Operation Reveille are free. They are provided through a growing network of widely deployed associates. Mission to Unreached Peoples receives and channels tax deductible contributions. God is providing and is using Operation Reveille to mobilize untapped prayer, finances, and personnel resources for missions by creating awareness and opportunities among Christians in the US military community.

Command and Signal

For strategic involvement which has a leveraged impact on the least reached and most unstable areas of the world, consider what Operation Reveille can do for you or how you can participate.

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