This study highlights the main points of the Perspectives material and has been used in over 40 countries to mobilize Christians to join God in His plan to bless all nations. This study can be used as either a 4 or 8-week study with individuals, small groups, Sunday school classes, short term and missions training teams. For more information contact the study's author, Joe, at
CURRICULUM: Life From God’s Perspectives
Life From God’s Perspectives is an attempt to address and solve barriers that keep many people from taking the traditional Perspectives course. LFGP attempts to connect students to their local churches and the mission opportunities there during the class in order that their passion and learning might have an immediate outlet. There are 3-4 hands-on real life projects during the course. These are designed to let the student engage in the learning at a practical level.
LFGP is designed for the average person in the church: one that may be intimidated by the academic nature of the Perspectives and is interested in just the ideas of the class, not in a certificate or credit. It expands the time needed for the course and cuts the course into bite-sized pieces that can be given 3-8 week modules. Time commitment for the student is reduced by using the key readings and short questions rather than quizzes. This format not only uses different methods of learning, but also incorporates speakers so that the passion they bring is not lost. However, since the number of speakers is smaller, class sizes can be smaller to accommodate small churches or small classes with smaller budgets.
A CD-ROM is available with a leader’s handbook and lesson plans in two formats: Version 4M (four modules) is the original. It is formatted for 2-2 1/2 hour class in 6,6,3, 4-week sets. The D version (Destiny) was for a church by that name that wanted to do it in 8 week Wednesday night session of 1 1/2 hours. The classes have been cut slightly, but the length of the modules are longer. Cultural and strategic ideas were put together as one module. The CD-ROM contains a 50-page student guidebook as a Microsoft Word document and a 60-page facilitator handbook, together with some cover pages and a brochure in Microsoft Publisher format. This curriculum is designed to be a supplement to the standard Perspectives reader or notebook.
We have seen successful life and church changes with this format. We
believe it to be an excellent additional resource for mobilizers looking
for another tool to mobilize churches and people. Please contact Ken &
Martha at [] if you are interested in purchasing
a copy of this CD-ROM for $25.]
Perspectives On-Line, is a joint project between International Christian Ministries and the US Centre for World Mission that makes the highly effective mission awareness course Perspectives on the World Christian Movement available on-line. The on-line course can be taken for non-credit (certificate) or for BA and graduate credit. The best option is always to take advantage of a course being offered in your area since local courses offer the advantage of live teaching and interaction with other participants. But if a course isn’t available in your area (and especially if you live in North America) then this on-line option may be worth considering. For more information go to the web site above, click on Perspectives Course and then on Perspectives Online. You must be able to connect to the Internet to participate in the course, of course.
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is a 15-week college level course (one evening class each week) which will help you understand God's plan for our world-and for your life-as you explore the following topics:
Every prospective missionary should take this course! With classes around the world including 120 that start this January in the U.S. there's probably one near you. For locations browse
Publishing is offering a great
new tool in the Perspectives Movement arsenal: the new 12-week curriculum
"Worldwide Perspectives: Biblical, Historical, Strategic and Cultural Dimensions
of God's Plan for the Nations", edited by Meg Crossman. Both classic
Perspectives material (taken from the Missions Master's degree at Fuller) as well as new
insights and options are refreshingly presented in an accessible approach
that can well serve local churches and their Kingdom professionals. New maps,
graphics, charts, and many pictures and sidebars engage the reader and highlight
the material. It can be ordered by calling 1-800-922-2143 or 480-838-5350, via
email <>, or on the web at
(type "Worldwide Perspectives" in the Search window). Substantial discount
rates are available for Perspectives Coordinators.
It's all included... the newly published "Perspectives Exposure", a five-lesson intro. to the Perspectives Course (131 page Study Guide)... all ready for your use and copy-released:
Visits since Feb. 2nd, 2001
World Christian Resource Directory