The purpose of this is to provide information and resources for missionaries to Slovakia, and Christians interested in reaching Slovakia with the Gospel. Please send any questions or additional resources to
Although much of this is focused on Slovak, many of the materials available in Slovak are also in Czech. There are some Czech materials listed below. Both languages are very similar.
Please visit this website for some information on resources that are not on this website link.
Audio Scriptures International
Harvey Hoekstra
PO Box 640634
Escondido, CA 92046
Tel: 760 745 8105
Fax: 760 745 8150
Harvey Hoekstra
New Testament in Slovak - cassettes
Audio Scriptures in Real Audio and MP3Audio Scriptures International (ASI), founded in California in 1989, now has its beautiful Portrait of Jesus arrangement of Scriptures from the Gospels and the "God's Powerful Savior" arrangement from Luke available from its web site in 85 different languages. At you can listen to these in Real Audio or MP3 player in whatever language best communicates for the listener.
The Slovak Bible is available to be listened online in audio form, allowing
you to hear the richness and power of the texts. It was originally recorded
by Aurora Ministries.
Language: Slovak
Version: 1997 Slovak Bible Society
Selection: New Testament
Dramatized? Audio Drama
Media Type: Cassette
Primary Country: Slovakia
Geographic Region: Europe
Evangelistic recordings in 4,800 languages.
Gospel Recordings USA
122 Glendale Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90026
213-250-0136 (fax)
Portrait of Jesus cassette in Slovak
Words of Life Cassette in Slovak
Joe Hodul
3059 Grandview St.
Windsor, Ontario N8T 2M1 Canada
Joe Hodul has recorded different things on tape. I think he worked with in the past-Audio Scriptures International.
Multi-Language Media
P.O. Box 301
Ephrata, PA
717-738-0582 (voice) (e-mail) (web site)]
Portrait of Jesus
... ... $5.00
This audio cassette is a selection of passages from the Gospels interwoven to give a beautiful, compelling Portrait of Jesus in the words of the Gospel writers.
Available in English..AENG-L9P...
Aurora Ministries
P. O. Box 621
Bradenton, FL 34206
941-748-2625 (fax)
NewTestament on cassette in Slovak
We currently give the Bible on cassettes (free of charge) in sixty-four languages. And you may e-mail us from this page to request order forms. Aurora Ministries, through its Audio Scripture Ministry, seeks to provide the Bible on cassettes to every sight-impaired and print-handicapped person TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE.
Bible Visuals
P.O. Box 153
Akron, PA 17501-0153
717-859-1131 (voice)
717-859-4360 (fax)
True-to-the-Word illustrated Bible lessons, songs and stories Illustrated Bible stories, songs, etc., in many languages, including Slovak
The following BVI materials have been translated into Slovak:
Please note that these materials have not been printed in Slovak. We make the translated manuscript available for use with the English volume. Unfortunately, Volume 1, 3, and 4 are out of print.
If you are interested in ordering these items, payment would need to accompany your order. We accept checks drawn in US funds on a US bank, Visa, MasterCard and Discover Card.
Shipping Charges is based on the dollar value of your order:If you reside in the state of Pennsylvania, we are also required to collect 6% sales tax.
I trust that this information will be helpful to you. If you have any further questions, you may call our Marketing Manager, Barbara Chappell at 717-859-1131 or e-mail her directly at
In Christ, Patricia Pope, BVI Office Manager
I have heard the Rohacek version is the best.
American Bible Society
1865 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
(800) 322 4253
(800) 543-8000 Scholarly Resources
(212) 581-7400
(212) 408 1200
(212) 408 1512 fax
Low cost Bible publisher and sponsor of volunteer Scripture Courtesy Centers. Has Bibles in many languges - Ask for the catalog.
Canadian Bible Society
Bibles Canada
The Online Book Store of Canadian Bible Society
Summary: Hardcover. Product: Slovak Bible R063. Product code: 1SK001002. ...
Glory Books Media
P.O. Box 301
Ephrata, PA 17522 USA
(717) 738-0582
Slovak Bible
Slovak Bible Society
Mlynská 43
P.O.BOX 467
Banská Bystrica
TEL: +421 88 413 4191
FAX: +421 88 413 4192
Bible Society work in Slovakia
Slovak Bible may be bought at
The Emmaus Correspondence Courses in Slovak can be ordered from:
Emmaus CentrumSource of Light has two courses in Slovak, they are called Explorers 1 (8 lessons) and Explorers 2 (7 lessons). These are copied on our Gestetner and available in limited amounts.
Evangelism Explosion III
Northern European Director
Tervuursesteenweg 451
3001 Leuven
Tel. (32) 16-202786
contact: Dr. Theo Kunst
Evangelism Explosion in Slovak
Pastor Joseph Brenkus
tel: 42/95-424577
Evangelism Explosion
EE III International Center
PO Box 23820
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33307 USA
(305) 491-6100
Pray for Joe Mike Hodge of Manchester, Tennessee, as he continues the work on the Slovakian Baptist hymnal. His task of transcribing the music is a labor of love for the Slovakian believers and it will be a great asset to the planting of new Baptist churches among the Slovak people group. (Dec 2002)
Beginning Slovak: Developed by Oscar E. Swan and Sylvia Galova-Lorinc of the University of Pittsburgh. 8 audio cassettes (8 hrs.), 522-p. text, $225.00. Order #AFSL10
On this web page you will find the links below."Ultimate Questions" by John Blanchard (biblical answers to questions about man's existence and his relationship to God). [ A well-written booklet with full-color pictures throughout, giving the Biblical answer to questions on man's existence and his relationship to God. This booklet is being effectively used in many languages. 32pp ... $1.95 One Slovak missionary has told me this is one of his favorite things to give to people.
Multi-Language MediaGood selection of Czech tracts with some Slovak, English and Spanish tracts.
Sends out over 100 million tracts around the world each year an organization with a great missionary vision every $6 love offering prints 1000 gospel tracts (without shipping)
Association Jezis pre kazdého (Jesus for everybody) is result of ecumenical effort for Christian advancement with word and deed. Jesus - we are convinced that true value of Christianity so as they presented person Jesus Christ in the Bible. They aren't only (part of "culture folklore", but they can importantly raise quality of life of man and whole society. We want to serve to individuals and society to inside revival on the principle Christ' love. for everybody - we try to create opportunities for gaining information from sphere of Christianity for every interested person. Our literature's offer contains trustworthy information about person Jesus Christ, his teaching and life. Everybody can use our services free and without any engagements from his side.
During the time I was alone here I spent about 14 hours a day at the computer completing the text of "The Gift and the Prize" booklet (about eternal salvation through faith and eternal rewards through good works, primarily evangelistic in nature) which I've been working on in bits and pieces for a long time. Now I just need to make some finishing touches on the Slovak version. I would like to get it published early in 2003.
"Gods Simple Plan of Salvation" tract one of the best tracts ever written
Operation Somebody Cares has a tract similar to the Chick tract- called "This Was Your Life". It is called- "What is your Life?" The cost for a box of 500 booklets is $15.00 with $5 shipping.
ASGM is part of the global network of 15 SGM branch offices, with the world headquarters in London, England. Our publications are used in 187 countries. Missionary Press. "Help from Above" (pocket-size 48-page selection of Scriptures by topic). "The Way to God" (children's Gospel tract with large size type). "How to Know God" (a Gospel presentation designed for Muslims or for general evangelistic work).
Inexpensive booklets used throughout the world in many languages - uses a lot of verses
This is the only dictionary available in North America! It brings you the language of Slovakia - a land of five million people. Concise format, a phonetic guide to pronunciation in both English and Slovak, and multiple definitions provided for many words, make this dictionary an ideal companion for students and travelers alike.
paperback 360 pages 4 x 6 WA comprehensive English-Slovak section with all the words and phrases listed alphabetically according to the main word in the expression. e.g.: way: which way is's this it a long it this way.. Words and phrases arranged by subject. Grammar. For people who want to communicate, not just cope. Pronunciation, whenever it presents a problem.
paperback 199 pages See Page Image 5 x 7 3/4 WSlovak is spoken by 4 million people in Slovakia, 100,000 in the U.S. and is the official language in Slovakia. This volume, written to help travelers and businessmen, features an extensive vocabulary, a useful grammar section and important phrases for getting around.
paperback 155 pages 3 3/4 x 7 WThe basics of Slovak, the national language of Slovakia, are presented in situational lessons and step-by-step format, from rudimentary to more complex grammar explanations.
About the author:Dr. Elena Letnanovawas born in Bratislava, Slovakia. In 1979, she translated Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book The Message From Exile for underground publishing, left her native country and emigrated to the United States. She is a well-known pianist and translator.
paperback 207 pages 5 x 7 WComputer translation software available for 33 languages, including Slovak, and more than 1,000 language-pair combinations. Also allows viewing of multiple languages in one document.
Language ForceNew Hope Interational is sponsoring the publishing of one or some of James Dobson's books probably in Brno, including The Strong Willed Child. Please contact Hank Paulson at the New Hope Interational for more information.
My Heart-Christ's Home and Tyranny of the Urgent are two InterVarsity Press booklets translated into either Czech or Slovak. These two booklets were translated to be incorporated in a book entitled Edice 2:7,which has been published by the Eastern European Seminary. This book is only available for their students.
Neil Anderson's books in Czech are available from
Navrat DomuJan Novak and GLINT are involved in publishing Czech and Slovak books. What the Bible is All About-Quick Reference by Henrietta Mears with Frances Blankenbaker's revisions have been completed in Czech and Slovak. Books still in process are Measure of a Man and Measure of a Woman by Gene Getz and also What the Bible is All About (probably a more detailed book than the previously mentioned book) in Czech and Slovak. Preparing for Adolescence by James Dobson may or may not be undertaken by this ministry or it might have already been published in Czech. The name of their publishing ministry is called Pokoj Publishing.
Jan Novak, a young Slovak pastor, is living in Bratislava, Slovakia working with GLINT (Gospel Light International). His church is involved in helping him prepare and print his materials. GLINT is involved in supporting strategic publishing projects including Christian book publishing. The ministry sometimes provides "seed money" to help launch publishing programs. This money may be used to purchase equipment and supplies, to underwrite certain printing and publishing costs, or to set up distribution systems to ensure the widest possible use of the curriculum and books.
GLINT is also helping to train overseas personnel and Sunday school teachers. GLINT provides Bible teaching curriculum from Gospel Light Publications and copyrighted books form Regal Books and Vision House Books for translation and publication.
GLINT does not send out missionaries, but works through missionaries or with national Christians who are already there. This ministry allows translators to make their books culturally relevant and adapt the Bible-teaching and to develop their writing and artistic skills, and to create original, culturally-unique Christian literature. GLINT carefully screens the many requests for help, and works with reliable, dedicated mission agencies and national Christian organizations. For more information, please write GLINT. The books below are available from GLINT.
The Foundations of Christian Doctrine provides one of the most relevant and clear presentations of the great doctrines of faith. Without a clear foundation in theology, it is difficult to be a sound intepreter and exegete the Scriptures. This highly acclaimed textbook is fast becoming a standard work for many Bible colleges around the world.
W-02346An in-depth study of 20 characteristics that mark a mature Christian man according to Titus and 1 and 2 Timothy.
$10.99 ISBN: 8085747030 Trade (OOP) W-00529A gripping, unforgettable missionary adventure. Don Richardson shares first-hand his hair-raising experiences among cannibals in the primitive jungles of New Guinea.
$9.99 ISBN: 8088863015 Trade W-00628This easy-to-use Bible handbook provides a brief overview of the people, events and meaning of every book of the Bible. Includes more than 1,000 illustrations, charts and time lines.
$15.99 ISBN: 8085747006 Hard (OOP) W-00943unsure what is available at this time
Josh McDowell's books are translated into Czech and Slovak and are mainly being used by Campus Crusade for Christ in Czechoslovakia. These two books are written by Josh:
1. More than a Carpenter has been printed in Czech and in Slovak.These books are reportedly being printed in Czechoslovakia in conjunction with Here's Life Publishers and Campus Crusade for Christ. ID: 567
Site URL:
Title: Tabernacle and God`s Book of seven seals
Description: What does the Menorah mean and history of our world according the Menorah
Top Category: Theology & Apologetics
Subcategory: Prophecy
City: Liptovsky Mikulas
State/Prov./Region: NOT in Australia, Canada, U.S.A, or U.K.
Country: Slovak Republic
Start Date: December 6, 1998 (1484 days)
Total Votes: 951
Votes Per Day: 0.64 (951 total votes / 1484 days = 0.64 votes per day)
Total Clickthrus: 274
Site ID: 18472
Site URL:
Title: Biblical Way
Description: Seven parts of the Biblical way covered by:
The books, videos and tracts below are available from
booklet--The most widely used Gospel presentation in the world. An extraordinarily effective tool for anyone who wants to share the message of Christ with others.
Wilhelm Busch--The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary message of all times. Wilhelm Busch proclaimed it to great crowds throughout Europe. His writings forcefully but simply present the Biblical answer to modern man's most important questions.
By Don Richardson. A gripping, unforgettable missionary adventure. Don richardson shares firshand his hair-raising experiences among cannibals in the primitive jungles of New Guinea.
John Blanchard--A well written, full-colored booklet giving Biblical answers to questions about man's existence and his relationship to God. *32 pages & 28 attractive color photographs *powerful and complete Gospel message *attractive print & high quality paper *a Gospel book people will keep and read *used as a primary tool in evangelism. Questions answered: Is anyone there? Is God speaking? What is God like? Who am I? What went wrong? Is sin serious? Is there an answer? Why the cross? How can I be saved?
See victory through prayer.
By David Fardouly & Bob Gordon. This book provides a systematic and practical study of the principles of discipleship.
Biblically and historically accurate, its script is taken directly from the Gospel of Luke. The video includes a clear presentation of the Gospel and an opportunity to pray and receive Christ at the end of the video. (2 hrs) Please indicate if you would like the PAL or NTSC format.
Slovak Bible-Rohacek.
Our small Bible school library is used more and more by our students. Our plan is to make it available to public - Slovak people. Martin is a cultural center of Slovakia, maintaining the biggest National library in the country. However, there is hardly any solid literature for Biblical studies and research available. In fact, if we succeed to build a Christian library open to public, it will be the first of its kind in our post-communist society. You can be a part of this if you donate:
NLM is looking for translators capable of accurately translating our Christian books.
ZADARMO verzia elektronickej knihy Anglictina vydaniaA Fail-safe Way for You to Receive the Holy Spirit
elektronicky´ formát : MS Reader Súcasny´ch stiahnutí : 4007 Annotation
A Complete Handbook on the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
In Christianity today, the most frequently discussed issues are "salvation from sin" and "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit." However, few people have precise knowledge of these two ideas, despite the fact that they are the two most important concepts in Christianity. What is worse, we can't find any biblical writing that teaches us clearly about the issues above. There have been lots of Christian authors glorifying the gifts of the Holy Spirit or describing the Spirit-filled lives. But any of them doesn't dare to deal with the fundamental question, "How can a believer surely receive the Holy Spirit?" Why? Surprising truth is that they couldn't write about it in full-scale because they didn't have exact knowledge of it. As Prophet Hosea cried out, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge," nowadays, not a few Christians are drawn into religious fanaticism, hoping to receive the Holy Spirit. They believe that they will receive the Holy Spirit by reaching a state of frenzy and hysteria. But it is no exaggeration to say that their so-called faith reduces Christianity to mere shallow Shamanism, and that such fanaticism derives from Satan.
The author Rev. Paul C. Jong dares to proclaim the truth. He deals the essential subjects in full-scale, which most spiritual writers have evaded for a long time. He first defines the meaning of "being born again" and "the indwelling of the Holy Spirit," and explains the inevitable relationship between the two pivotal concepts. Then he runs the whole gamut of description concerning the Holy Spirit, from "how to discern the spirits" to "the way to Spirit-filled lives." For more information, the author advises you to examine the contents of this book posted on this web page.
From The Publisher
If you decide to read only one book, except Bible, in a year as a Christian, I strongly recommend this one book for you. I am sure this book must be second to none to any Christian readers. Its cool and clear description of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is absolutely biblical. Having published Rev. Jong's writings for years by the name of "Paul C. Jong's Christian Book Series," I might have been more blessed than anyone else because I have been the first reader of his books. His sermons of this title are vivid, accurate, soul-wining, and faith-filled. He is a servant of God who dares to proclaim the truth against prevailing false prophets of today's Christianity. We are very proud of his all titles, and are prepared to publish his succeeding writings Hladaj
What Was Told By the Evangelists (Co Rozpravali Evangelisti) is a lengthy hardbound book published in Czech by a company called Obzor in Bratislava in 1988. The translation is by Jozef Marusiak.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary message of all times. Wilhelm Busch proclaimed it to great crowds throughout Europe. His writings forcefully but simply present the Biblical answer to modern man's most important questions.
Available in English..ENG-L846....$8.50
The books, Bibles, etc.. Are availabe from No Frontiers
Revival - might be Out of Stock A novel based on an actual revival in various
villages in Slovakia between 1910-1930.
By Kristina Roy
Russian "Books"
Ł 5.75
Bible - might be Out of Stock SL001
Slovak "Scriptures"
Ł 9.95
New Testament Hardback.
Slovak "Scriptures"
Ł 6.25
Gospel of Mark "A beautifully illustrated ( many colour photographs) A5
booklet, ideal for evangelistic use - over 100 copies 0.45 each"
Ł 1.00
My First Bible in Pictures "125 stories from the Bible, simply presented by
Kenneth Taylor for younger children. Hard cover; colour illustrations
By Kenneth Taylor
"Books for Children"
Ł 5.50
The Most Important Story Ever Told "The story of Jesus for children - in full
colour, with a clear evangelistic challenge"
"Books for Children"
Ł 1.00
A Letter For You - Temporarily Out of Stock "64 pages of varied information
about the Bible, including testimonies, history, background and many
challenges. Although written for the non-Christian, Christians will also be
informed and encouraged by the contents."
"Books & Tracts"
Ł 0.75
The Illustrated New Testament "With over 240 full colour pages, this book
presents the stories of the New Testament in modern 'comic strip' form;
suitable for children, young people, and adults."
"Books & Tracts"
Ł 4.25
Ultimate Questions "An excellent 32 page evangelistic booklet in full colour
by John Blanchard, giving the biblical answers to questions about man's
existence and his relationship to God."
By John Blanchard
"Books & Tracts"
Ł 0.90
The David C. Cook Foundation has finished working on a children's book
about creation called Six Busy Days. It was published in both Czech and
Slovak. This project is a sales project, as the David C. Cook Foundation is
working with Operation Mobilization in finding distributors within the
country, whether it being book shops, book tables or any other idea.
Presently, there are few distributors, and Operation Mobilization is looking
for more distributors. If you are interested, please write Dave Babcock at
Operation Mobilization.
Bible Gateway Audio Bibles. Many Scriptures are available in audio form, allowing you to hear the richness and power of the texts.
Many Scriptures are available in audio form, allowing you to hear the
richness and power of the texts. If you would like more information on
listening to the Bibles below, please see our advice on getting started.
Common audio questions are also answered in our frequently asked questions.
Slovak Christian Music on Cassette and CD
Czech and Slovak Christian Videos
Krestanské Hudobné Vydavatel'stvo
L'ubomir Vyhnánek
Vyhonská 10
831 06 Bratislava
ph: (421) 7289024
TWR-Slovakia: (421) 7294541
fax: (421) 75283172
Audiokazety | Audio cassette |
Marta Ouzká: Hledáni | Marta Ouzka: Seeking |
Trio Nardus: Postoj na cestách | Trio Nardus: Stop on your ways |
Shalom: Nechcem stát' bokom | Shalom: I don't want to stand on the side |
Nardus: Milosti cas | Nardus: Time of grace |
LTD: Vyber | LTD: Choice |
Koráb | Ark |
Jozef Gabovic: Golgota | Jozef Gabovic: Golgotha |
Zrcadla: Alef | Mirrors: Aleph |
Nardus: Pohl'ady | Nardus: Lookings |
Melódie Radost A Vdaky | Melodies of Thanksgiving and Joy |
Príbehy Z Evanjelií I. | Stories from the Gospels |
Bratsky Spevokol: Hymna chvály 1 | Men's Worship Singers: Hyms of worship |
Jozef Gabovic: Novy Jeruzalem | Jozef Gabovic: New Jerusalem |
Nová Zmluva: Evanjelium podl'a Marka | New Testament: Gospel of Mark |
Kompromis: Tisíce prianí | Kompromis: 1000 wishes |
Artos: Pocúvaj piesen | Artos: Listen to a song |
Zrcadla: El Adonai (hebrejské pies) | Zrcadla: The Lord (Hebrew songs) |
Manhu: Blizko Je Rano | Manna: Morning is near |
Vyskocilová: Nic nie je náhoda | Vyskocilová: Nothing is by chance |
Kompromis: Cisty dotyk | Kompromis: Pure Touch |
Vianoce s Jozefom Gabovicom | Christmas with Jozef Gabovic |
Narodil Sa Kristus Pán | Jesus Christ is born |
Mládezincky spevokol BJB: | Young Singers BJB |
Ei, taky stastny den | Oh, Such a Happy Day |
Artos: Biely kamienok | Artos: White Stone/Rock |
Videokazety | Video cassettes |
all videos are in the PAL format | |
Genesis (1): Povod vesmíru. a Zem mladá planeta | Genesis (1): Origin of the Universe and Earth - A Young Planet |
Genesis (2): Povod zivota. | Genesis (2): Origin of Life, Origin of Species |
Povod druhov Genesis (3): Povod l'udstva. Povod skamelín | Genesis (3): Origin of the Humans |
Svet, Ktory Zahynul a Tajomstvo Dinosaurov | The Great Dinosaur Mystery and The World That Perished |
Svedkovia Jehovovi | Jehovah's Witnesses |
Jezis Nazaretsky 1 (hrany film) | Jesus of Nazareth Part 1 |
Jezis Nazaretsky11 (hrany film) | Jesus of Nazareth Part 2 |
Jozef a Bratia a Milosrd. Samaritán (kresl.) | Joseph and His Brothers and The Good Samaritan (cartoon) |
Stvorenie / David a Goliás (kresl. bibl. Príbeh) | Creation, David And Goliath |
Príbeh z Vychodu / Královna Ester (kresl.) | Story from the East, The Story Of Queen Esther |
Narodenie Pána/ Jezisove Zázraky (kresl.) | The Birth Of The Lord, Jesus' Miracles |
Vykrik z Hor (hrany film) | Cry From the Mountain |
Biblia: Mojzis (hrany film-USA) | Bible: Moses |
Joni (hrany film) | Joni |
Kruta Pravda ("Pro life" dokument. Film) | Hard Truth (pro-life documentary) |
Daniel (kresleny film-HCE) | Daniel (cartoon) |
Biblia: Genesis (Od stvorenia po potopu-hr) | Bible: Genesis (creation to Genesis flood) |
Biblia: Abrahám (hrany film-USA) | Bible : Abraham |
Biblia: Jakob (hrany film) | Bible: Jacob |
Katolicizmus: Kríza Viery | Catholicism: Crisis of Faith |
Dyka a kriz | The Cross and the Switchblade |
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Slovak Bible Society
Slovenska Biblicka Spolocnost
Mlynska 43
P.O. Box 467
974 01 Banska Bystrica
Tel.: 048/413 04 92
Fax: 048/413 41 92
World Christian Resource Directory