Evangelism and Teens
Devos And Gutsy Acts: Email Helps For Teens To Live Their Faith
today face challenges when it comes to sharing their faith, and Youth for
Christ (YFC) wants to help by providing teens with practical ways to live
their faith and grow closer to God. Now through "Devos and Gutsy Acts," a
free email and online service from YFC's Live the Life (LTL) Online,
teens can study God's Word and discover how it applies to them. At the LTL
Web site, teens, ministry leaders and adults can also enjoy "Eva's Tips
and Tricks" for sharing one's faith and confronting issues; "Campus
Strategies" with advice on starting Bible study groups on campus; and
"Tough Questions," examining probing questions about Christianity. YFC
also provides several chat areas for teen interaction.
Devos and Gutsy Acts: http://www.gospelcom.net/yfc/livethelife/devos
Live the Life Online:
E-vangelism On About.com's Christian Teens
Brandon Hill, the guide for About.com's Christian Teens community ( http://christianteens.about.com/ ), features various topics of interest to teens, a weekly contest, website picks, and resources such as web art and devotional articles.
The IAMNEXT site has just had a complete redesign and relaunch. It was good
before, but now...! Check carefully both the classy design and the wise
strategy for sharing the truth without being pushy or churchy. Note the way
there are many useful pages relating to young people's interests and needs.
Deliberately, not all have a spiritual component. See how the main page does
not 'look' Christian, yet hints at spirituality issues dealt with on the
site. If you think you may have teen visitors to your site - add a link. If
you have a church site and need a ready-made evangelistic teen section, this
is it. Just link to it in a narrow top frame:
how to:
If you want to receive an occasional (approx monthly) prayer newsletter
about the progress of IAMNEXT and the other CCC evangelistic sites,
subscribe to Christclick - send a blank email to:
Youth for Christ
And Youth for Christ have launched
Cafe Reality. Check for instance
Stories That Count for evangelism
Also look at YFC's booklet for new believers are at Totally True:
http://www.totallytrue.org - a Flash presentation.

Visits since January 31st, 2001