Faces in the Crowd: Reaching Your International Neighbor for Christ
By Donna Thomas
This book is a personal evangelism tool that takes readers outside the box. Donna Thomas helps readers to see the international neighbors in their backyard and to help them learn to effectively build relationships and share the gospel with others.
Reaching the World Next Door: How to Spend the Gospel in the Midst of Many
By Thom Hopler and Marcia Hopler
In this book, Thom and Marcia Hopler discusses a wide variety of models portrayed in the Bible for reaching across cultures. They they examine how Christians can apply these principles in our highly technological, urbanized and diversified society.
The World at Your Door: Reaching International Students in Your Home,
Church, and School
By Tom Phillips, W. Terry Whalin and Bob Norsworthy
This book focuses on sharing the gospel with the 600,000 international students enrolled in US universities that represent the next generation of world leaders - the vast majority of whom will never be welcomed into a Christian home or church.
The World at Your Doorstep: A Handbook for International Student Ministry
By Lawson Lau
This book talks about how Christians can minister to international students. It has discusses about culture shocks and difficulties that a student experiences in a foreign land.
Operation World