Outreach International has an awesome compact video equipment set available for showing the Jesus Film and other films. It's especially designed for remote areas and unreached peoples. The airtight, waterproof case is a must when facing dusty roads or monsoon rains! It has traveled by outrigger canoe, been strapped to a horse, and dragged behind a water buffalo to reach remote villages! The 40-lb. suitcase contains a complete sound and video projection system, including the Jesus Film dvds in appropriate languages and other evangelistic dvds when available. There is also a 29-lb. generator to power the system. Outreach International donates the labor to assemble the sets, and travels to field locations to train local ministers to use the video equipment effectively. They provide these sets at cost or as a gift to those ministering in remote areas.
A. A durable and watertight equipment case contains a video projector,
camcorder, powerful sound system (including a wireless microphone), large
outdoor screen and a lighting system.
B. The accompanying generator powers the entire system, eliminating the
need for electricity (which is often not available in remote areas).
C. The powerful sound system is capable of reaching the huge crowd that
gathers. It is usually heard well into the community, allowing still more
people to hear the Gospel.
D. The custom made outdoor screen sets up in minutes, and can be viewed
from both sides.
The entire system is lightweight and compact enough to be checked as baggage on the airlines or carried down jungle trails to those who need to hear the Gospel.
In the Philippines, an outrigger canoe is sometimes used to take the equipment to a small island for an outreach.
The goal of Outreach International, Inc. is to aid in worldwide Christian evangelism by training and equipping nationals and missionaries with a compact, self-contained video projection system to enhance and enable their outreach efforts using the Jesus dvd and other evangelistic dvds. Outreach International is also involved in taking short term evangelistic trips to expose U.S. Christians to another culture, acquaint them with the effectiveness of aviation evangelism using the Jesus dvd and other evangelistic dvds, and to minister the life changing Gospel message!
Guiding Principles
1. Our focus is primarily, though not limited to, the remote, unreached
people groups.
2. Our focus is on training others and equipping them to be more effective
in ministry. We are a ministry of helps, enabling others to do more
3. We believe that indigenous workers can usually reach their own people
better than outsiders, and can establish lasting works for Christ.
4. We have found the Jesus film and other evangelistic films to be a
powerful evangelistic tool.